Life Is Best When Lived In Pencil – Part 4

I just got home from church.  A wonderful message was presented by the minister today centered on the fact that even if life doesn’t take you where you think it will, you’ll still be OK.  He told us that life can still be good even when our plans get changed, our dreams get dashed and our losses hit us hard.  Our minister reminded us that life would be all right even if it didn’t go how we wanted.  To me, that sounded a lot like grief recovery.  It sounded a lot like lessons we learn as we walk down the path of restoration and rebirth of our own lives.

His message today was, to me, a message of hope.  A hope that whatever darkness you’ve gone through or are currently going through, a dawn is coming.

 I needed that reminder today.  I’m quickly coming up on the 4-year mark since Joyce died.  In a way, it seems like she’s been gone forever.  In a way, it seems like she was here yesterday.  I think about her daily and am grateful for the life we had.  Don’t get me wrong; I’m doing really well.  No matter how well we are doing, however, we still need hope!  Hope for the future, hope for our lives.  I’m sure my brothers can relate to this.  For those of us who are of the Christian faith, we’re in the midst of the Lenten season, where we celebrate our greatest hope of resurrection.  My hope for you, regardless of your belief or spiritual persuasion, is that you know that you’ll be OK.  Wherever you are in your journey, you’ll get through it.  Keep doing the right things.  Surround yourself with people like you.  Find a confidant you can trust and share important things with them.  Take care of yourself.  Stay true to yourself.  Stay close to your tribe.  Be flexible to changes that benefit you. And breathe.  Don’t stop breathing.  No matter what!

May the hope of Easter be in your life and heart

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