Author: Jeff Ziegler

  • Dogs and Love

    Dogs and Love

    In the year after our twin daughters were born, we got a golden retriever puppy we named Charlie. Everyone always says they have “the best dog ever,” but in my opinion, Charlie indeed was. When the girls were young, they could pull on his ears, his tail, his fur, just about any part of him,…

  • Poker with Friends

    Poker with Friends

    These last couple of months, while we have been sheltering in place here in California, I have had the pleasure of joining in on a zoom call and playing poker with a group of friends I have known for many years. These aren’t just friends; they are my fraternity brothers from my days at UC…

  • Falling Backwards

    Falling Backwards

    Over the last week, I have been hit by several large waves of grief. It has been a long time since I have felt like this. First, I want to talk about triggers and what I think kicked it off for me, so I’m starting with a bit of a rant here. Maybe the trigger…

  • Potential and Change

    Potential and Change

    (24-hours before Suzanne dies) Dear future Jeff,  I want you to know a few things. After Suzanne dies, you will feel like there is little potential of anything ever making your life any better. Did you know that you will be scared, hurting, very much alone (even surrounded by friends and family), completely lost and…

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