Category: Grief/Despair

  • Grieving and Thanksgiving

    Grieving and Thanksgiving

    With the approach of Thanksgiving, I can’t help but think back to Thanksgiving 2012, my very first holiday following my husband’s sudden death. The grief fog was still very thick. Numbness created a comforting cushion around my body and emotions.  My husband had died in August. By the time November arrived, the loving family and…

  • Grief Recovery Programs Need to Include Action Plans

    Grief Recovery Programs Need to Include Action Plans

     Herb Knoll Author of the New Book, The Widower’s Journey It’s no wonder so many people fail to complete grief counseling sessions that take place over a period of several weeks, with many attendees opting to bail out of such programs after just a week or two.  Why? I believe one of the reasons…

  • An Excerpt from The Widower’s Journey: Appendix III – Support From Pets

    An Excerpt from The Widower’s Journey: Appendix III – Support From Pets

    When considering what actions widowed men can take in hopes of accelerating their healing, they may only have to reach down to the pet seated beside them. I witnessed the power of pets often during Michelle’s illness, especially during the final hours of her life when her son Jacques carried each of Michelle’s three golden…

  • Potential and Change

    Potential and Change

    (24-hours before Suzanne dies) Dear future Jeff,  I want you to know a few things. After Suzanne dies, you will feel like there is little potential of anything ever making your life any better. Did you know that you will be scared, hurting, very much alone (even surrounded by friends and family), completely lost and…

  • Serving others can heal your broken heart.

    Serving others can heal your broken heart.

    It’s true! No matter how painful your grief may be, getting up and off the couch and into your community to serve others is guaranteed to make you feel better. Whether you volunteer for the fire department or the Red Cross, become a scout leader or work in a soup kitchen, serving others will energize…

  • Attention Widowers: IT’S TIME FOR YOU TO SHARE

    Attention Widowers: IT’S TIME FOR YOU TO SHARE

    So go ahead and register with and then log-on to FORUM.  Read what others are writing.  Learn from their mistakes.  And when you’re ready, share a story or two of  your own.  It’s easy.  It’s fun.  And communicating with other widowers can help those who are suffering heal…including you.  Besides…like everything associated with, its…

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