Author: Nyle Kardatzke, PhD

  • Why Widowed Men Are Different from Widows

    Why Widowed Men Are Different from Widows

    We widowed men have much in common with widows, our sisters in grief. Like widows, we have lost our spouses, the loves of our lives. They have had experiences of loss like ours: shock, disorientation, grief, and loneliness. We have much in common with female widows, and we can be more empathetic now. But our…

  • I Am A Widow-man

    I Am A Widow-man

    When I became a widowed man, I wondered what to call myself. “Widow” is usually applied only to women, but why can’t a man be a widow? Why accept the implied accusation when you are called a “widower?” Long before I lost my wife, I rankled quietly at the term “widower,” and it still sounds…

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