Category: Contentment

  • Love and Companionship

    Love and Companionship

    By Nyle Kardatzke, PhD “God is love.” 1 John 4:16 “All things were made through him.” John 1-3 “In Him, all things hold together.” Colossians 1:17 “Two are better than one.” Ecclesiastes 4:9 Love is one of the most powerful words in the English vocabulary or any other language. The first three scriptures above tell…

  • Thankful for a Life Well Lived

    Thankful for a Life Well Lived

    About a week ago I saw an interview conducted with Steven Roberts husband, widower and best- selling author of a new book about his late wife Cokie Roberts entitled Cokie Roberts: A Life Well Lived.  At the start of the interview the interviewer spoke about the impact Cokie Roberts had on her life as a…

  • Finishing Strong

    Finishing Strong

    Several years ago, when contemplating retirement, I published an article titled “Finishing Strong.” While this article focused on the mechanisms for preparing for life after work, it also gave recommendations for navigating the far too often experience of being both too expensive and becoming somewhat marginalized in the workplace. In some ways, if not experienced…

  • Life After Death

    Life After Death

    By Terry Rempel Is there life after death? Yes. But I’m not talking about the person that has passed away. I am a Christian and do believe in life after death for the deceased. But I want to talk about those of us left behind after the death of our spouse. For me, a huge…

  • Your Adult Children

    Your Adult Children

    “And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers.” Malachi 4:6 Your adult children have suffered a significant loss too. You probably have done what you could to comfort them and give them wisdom about life without their mother. However, the fact remains that they…

  • The Fall Season -Nature is Splendiferous!

    The Fall Season -Nature is Splendiferous!

    Splendiferous is a real word that captures the essence of the Fall season. It speaks of the beauty, glamour, majesty, and any adjective you can think of that describes the magnificence of the season. I am blessed to live in Upstate New York. The fall season is the best time of the year. For my…

  • Winning (even when you don’t know it)

    Winning (even when you don’t know it)

    Good morning brothers! I’ve been in Naples for three weeks. My last writing to the group was two weeks ago. The first week here was one of the hardest that I’ve experienced since Joyce died. The loneliness was brutal. I had myself convinced I should return to Indiana. I looked for new things to do…

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