Category: Grief/Despair

  • Can You Heal While Living in the Past?

    Can You Heal While Living in the Past?

    If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present. Lao Tzu (6th-century BC Chinese philosopher) When we first enter deep grieving after losing our wives, we often do everything we can think of to…

  • Home For the Holidays: 2021 Edition

    Home For the Holidays: 2021 Edition

    This year I will be experiencing my 7th Christmas without my wife, Robyn. Every year our house would transform into a continuous theme of the current or upcoming holiday. Now, most of those decorations remain in the basement, and my annual complaint of having to haul the countless crates from the basement is no more.…



    If you are a widower looking for help, ideas, or support, this blog is for you! At this time of year many of us have a difficult time getting through all the poignant reminders of our spouse. This is NOT the time to be the silent loner. It is the time to reach out to…

  • An Open Letter To Newly Widowed Men

    An Open Letter To Newly Widowed Men

    Donated by Ed Hersch of Pearland, Texas, USA, in hopes that it will help others. Author Unknown. Dear Sons: We have all been through a most tragic situation, the loss of your dear Mother and my wife. Each of us are dealing with Mom’s passing in a different way. There is no right or wrong…

  • “Sometimes our healing happens when we change the way we relate to the things that will not change” – Vienna Pharaon

    “Sometimes our healing happens when we change the way we relate to the things that will not change”              – Vienna Pharaon

    By Tom Peyton As I mentioned in a previous column, I receive daily inspirational quotes, and this one arrived not only from the site that sends them but forwarded as well from a high school classmate to me. They are both asking me to examine the quote and unravel its meaning. I will give it…

  • A Ship Is Safe in a Harbor; but that’s not what a Ship is for.” – John A. Shedd

    A Ship Is Safe in a Harbor; but that’s not what a Ship is for.”     – John A. Shedd

    By Tom Peyton I am not sure how it happened but somehow, I signed up to receive daily inspirational quotes from a company on the internet. The quotes are often thought – provoking and some are quite funny. Its better than getting phone calls and emails that my automobile warranty is expiring. Last week I…

  • The Holidays

    The Holidays

    WSN-MO: Widow-Man with Dr. Nyle Kardatzke When I think of holidays, I think immediately of Thanksgiving and Christmas. My wife died on October 25, so those two holidays were a shock. I didn’t intend to immerse myself in open, emotional grief, but I didn’t want to pretend that nothing had changed. Those holidays were a…

  • Focused Attention

    Focused Attention

    WSN: Widower, Wounded, Warrior, Waking and Walking by Jeff Ziegler I have done a lot of work on myself over the last two years since Suzanne died. This morning, I had a revelation. My attention has been scattered. The revelation came when listening to a podcast about brain science. It dawned on me that I…

  • Husband – Warrior – Brother

    Husband – Warrior – Brother

    WSN-MO: A Few Minutes with Terrell Whitener During a recent reflection period, my thoughts turned to just how I have ended up where I am at in life. As a very grateful and appreciative man of my station in life, these reflection times usually end up as an exercise in gratitude and not a time…



    WSN: Coffee and Conversation with Larry Ahrens One unsavory reality of losing your wife is dealing with the estate details, relatives, and lawyers. What this process does is smack you in your grieving face one more time with cold reality. Your wife is gone, and now we’re taking inventory and putting a value on things.…

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