Category: Healing

  • Each One, Help One

    Each One, Help One

    “Don’t hoard your lessons!” Those words hammered into the back of my mind one day, about three months after my second wife died.  By then, I’d been asked to share my grief journey.  Contrary, or maybe not, to what one may think, it came pretty easy to talk about and was beneficial to me.  I…

  • Healing Through Journaling

    Healing Through Journaling

    As you make your way into your new life as a widowed man, it can be helpful to keep track of some of the events on your journey. This is new territory. You may want to know later what you have been through. There are at least two benefits of journaling: first: When you get…

  • Winter Rain

    Winter Rain

    It’s December in St. Louis, Missouri.  Winter has arrived.  With the winter comes days of winter rain.  In years past, my wife and I actually enjoyed days like today (when we did not have to get outside).  I’d light a fire. We’d make some tea or coffee, and just be together. Many people find days…

  • Take some time this holiday season to honor your loved one

    Take some time this holiday season to honor your loved one

    Hard to believe, but another year is quickly ending.  The holidays mark when family and friends celebrate our traditions and enjoy the festivities associated with those sacred traditions.  My late wife, as I have stated previously, loved the holidays.  It was her time to say thanks, and I love you to our family and friends.…

  • Part 3: What Now, God?

    Part 3: What Now, God?

    One morning, as I was getting ready to visit Jasmine, one of her doctors called and said, “Mr. Isara, the results of the MRI revealed that Jasmine has had several strokes resulting in damage to both sides of her brain.” After a brief discussion to clarify what that meant, the doctor said, “She will never…

  • Part 2: The Challenge

    Part 2: The Challenge

    In an intimate relationship, and there is none more intimate than marriage, whatever is hidden will come to the surface. Jasmine and I had a solid relationship built upon the foundation of our faith in Jesus Christ. But we are all uniquely different from one another, and if we are not careful, our differences can…

  • Protected: Password protected page

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  • A Widower’s Journey-Herb Knoll – Men n’ More-Podcast

  • Do You Have Male Friends?

    Do You Have Male Friends?

    Noted clinical psychologist Edward Zimmer, MA, from Savannah, Georgia, is a friend of mine. You may recognize his name as he was a contributor to my book, The Widower’s Journey, and has been a guest on my podcast, Widower’s Journey Podcast. Better said, he is a childhood friend I first met on a baseball diamond when I was only…

  • What is My Purpose Now?

    What is My Purpose Now?

    When I turned 30 years of age I went through a life crisis. I hated my job, had no clear goals, and did not know what I wanted to do. Consequently, I was drinking too much and was probably not much fun to be around for my wife and kids. One day after a particularly…

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