We Need To Live Our Lives Unencumbered

I recently made a run to the nearby Goodwill store. My wife had collected items we just don’t need anymore, and it was time to pass them on to someone who perhaps could get better use out of the. Life is constantly moving forward, and along the journey we change, we grow, and there are things that at one point in our lives seemed important, but now not so much. What is important however, is that we live our lives lean and unencumbered by things that just don’t matter anymore, have outlived their usefulness, or maybe weren’t all that necessary or thought through in the first place. Don’t believe me? Check out this list of actual state laws on the books…

Florida – It’s illegal to sing in your swimsuit 

Maine – It’s illegal to bite your landlord 

Alabama – It’s illegal to drive while blindfolded 

Kansas – It’s illegal to serve ice cream on cherry pie 

Oklahoma and Ohio – You can’t make faces at a dog 

Delaware – It’s against the law for a pawnbroker to accept an artificial limb or wheelchair as payment 

Georgia – It’s illegal to consume fried chicken by any other means than with your hands 

Alaska – It’s illegal to push a moose out of a moving plane 

You think I’m kidding right?  Nope.  At some point, a legislative body or government official felt the need to actually make these laws.  They are worthy of a good laugh now but it illustrates my point.  That we need to do some regular housekeeping, to step back and evaluate what things, what ideologies, what relationships, what methodologies or mindsets we are holding onto that no longer serve us well.  In contrast, there are some things that are timeless and anchor us to our beliefs, our values, and our character that should be treasured and embraced even if they are no longer popular, trendy, or in step with the culture.  

Why not take some time this week to make two lists actually?  What things like the State laws above, need to go because they are no longer adding value to your life?  Instead, they are a weight that keeps you from “living lean” and being nimble and free from life’s excess baggage.  Make a second list of the things in your life that are sacred, sustaining, and meaningful that are connected to the core of who you are and who you want to become.   

David W. Welday III, President – HIGHERLIFE Publishing & Marketing

Helping our clients experience the thrill of making a difference  


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