Dreams of your Wife

I had a beautiful, vivid dream about my wife recently. In the dream, she had been in bed with me but had gotten up. I waited for her to return, but she didn’t come back. I wondered for a few minutes why she hadn’t returned, but then I awakened enough to realize that she had died more than twelve years ago.

The dream seemed so beautiful that I thought it must have been unique, the first dream of its kind. I came to my computer to see if I had ever had a dream like it. To my surprise, I found that I have had nearly identical dreams about my wife off and on for several years. I had reported them in the journal I maintain on my computer, and they revealed how my wife remains a part of me, even now.

I now accept my dreams about my wife as gifts, reminding me of our 39 years of marriage and the many good things we experienced together. I don’t pray for dreams about her. I accept them as gifts from God and reminders of how we loved and valued each other.

If you have dreams about your wife, I hope they are beautiful reminders of her and the love you shared.

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