Four Things Grief has Taught Me  

John Allen

Since losing my late wife Ursula on October 16, 2023, I have had my moments of grief. I never imagined becoming a widower at age 57. We were supposed to grow old as we rode into the sunset together. It’s been tough, and I know the grieving process is far from over, But through this short journey, I have learned a few things.

First, Grief is not a one-time experience. You don’t take a test, pass, and say, ok, I’ve grieved; I’ve passed; let’s move on. No, grief comes, goes, then returns at any time.

Second, There’s no cookie-cutter system for grief. All experiences will be unique. It will be different for everybody. For some, it can come in the middle of the night, others in the middle of traffic, and still others in the middle of a grocery store.

Third, grief does not discriminate. It affects all, regardless of race, beliefs, education, economic position, or birthplace. Our response may differ, but “Everybody in the same boat!”

And finally, grief is a good thing. Wait, huh, what? Yes, It doesn’t feel good during those moments; you don’t say yeah, bring it on, give me more grief, but it’s the journey towards the healing process. Grief allows us to move forward. 

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