Tag: death

  • If I am not helping my neighbor, then why am I here?

    If I am not helping my neighbor, then why am I here?

    I saw this sign on the wall of my doctor’s office as I waited for him to enter the examination room. I asked him about it, and he told me his 8-year-old granddaughter gave it to him a few years ago. Of course, she loves her grandpa and wants others to know what a wonderful…

  • Sex and the Widower

    Sex and the Widower

    Sex is a topic that we widowers often have difficulty discussing with each other, much less with friends, family, or even therapists. And yet, it needs to be addressed. Why? Because so many of us have so much trouble dealing with the topic. It does not matter whether you are impotent or acting like a…

  • There is No Timeline for Grief 

    There is No Timeline for Grief 

    I was sitting in an airport the other evening waiting for my flight home. I had a wonderful visit with my children and grandchildren and thought about the fun and laughs we shared for several days. As it often happens, a story about grief will pop up on my phone as I write about it…

  • Grief cannot be fixed, but you can adapt to a new way of living.

    Grief cannot be fixed, but you can adapt to a new way of living.

    I had the pleasure of speaking to a grief support group in New York City just before Christmas, and I offered them some ways to deal with grief during the holidays. Several of the participants in the group asked me if grief ever goes away. I used the sage words offered by the late Kennedy…

  • Moving forward, but remember to glance back.

    Moving forward, but remember to glance back.

    In another week, we will start another year. 2024 is just around the corner. The holidays will be over, and it’s time to focus on the opportunities of a new year. My mantra when I entered the world of grief has always been to keep moving forward and to know I can’t stop the birds…

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