Tag: Grief/Dispare

  • Grief and Anger

    Grief and Anger

    By Tom Peyton When my wife died over two years ago, I remember experiencing a gamut of emotions, with anger being the most prominent.  Angry that I was now a Widower; angry that an illness ended my wife’s life and our almost 30-year marriage.  Angry at the doctors, who I thought could have done more…

  • Serving others can heal your broken heart.

    Serving others can heal your broken heart.

    It’s true! No matter how painful your grief may be, getting up and off the couch and into your community to serve others is guaranteed to make you feel better. Whether you volunteer for the fire department or the Red Cross, become a scout leader or work in a soup kitchen, serving others will energize…

  • Attention Widowers: IT’S TIME FOR YOU TO SHARE

    Attention Widowers: IT’S TIME FOR YOU TO SHARE

    So go ahead and register with WidowerSupportNetwork.com and then log-on to WidowerSupportNetwork.com FORUM.  Read what others are writing.  Learn from their mistakes.  And when you’re ready, share a story or two of  your own.  It’s easy.  It’s fun.  And communicating with other widowers can help those who are suffering heal…including you.  Besides…like everything associated with WidowerSupportNetwork.com, its…

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