Category: Giving Support

  • Let’s Heal Now!

    Let’s Heal Now!

    Widower to Widower with Fred Colby If you are going to survive this hell-on-earth experience and if you want to heal, you are going to have to grow as a father, brother, son, friend, and community member. If you retreat from the world to stew in your grief and anger, that is likely where you…

  • Emotions


    Quotation: “You won’t always feel the way you do now.” – C.S. Lewis Emotions sometimes seem more real than reality itself. In a time of grief and loss, our emotions are deeper and stronger than at any other time. We feel that we may burst into tears or maybe even collapse because of these feelings…

  • Tom Nate, A Good Hearted Man

    Tom Nate, A Good Hearted Man

    Tom Nate is not a widower. Rather, Tom Nate is a walking miracle. A resident of San Antonio, Texas, Tom is a man who has endured much and is eager to give forward by supporting the members of WSN. You say you have troubles.  Read the account of Tom Nate’s story as written by Kihm…



    HOW TO HONOR YOUR LATE SPOUSE AND A NEW LOVE AT THE SAME TIME Are you getting ready to think about dating? Alternatively, maybe you’ve already put your toe in the water? Many widowers feel quite divided at this point – between the life they had with their late spouse and the new life they’re…

  • Why Am I Still Here?

    Why Am I Still Here?

    WSN-MO: Widower to Widower with Fred Colby After my wife (Theresa) died, after the numbness, and after the severe physical and mental pain of the first few weeks, I began to ask the question most widowers ask, “Why am I still here? Why did she go first? Wasn’t the plan that I was supposed to…

  • The Other Side of Love and Respect

    The Other Side of Love and Respect

    In 2004 Dr. Emerson Eggerich wrote a ground-breaking book titled “Love and Respect.” In this book, Dr. Eggerich brilliantly wrote about the innate need for women to feel loved and men to desire respect. I will never forget when I initially read that book feeling like “yeah, that’s it.” I also remember feeling that Dr.…

  • Grieving Me

    Grieving Me

    A common phrase often heard after the loss of a loved one is, “I’m sorry for your loss.” These words from well-wishers clearly indicate the condolence is intended for the griever who now lives without a dear loved one. Recognizing that the survivor has lost someone precious is part of traditional mourning rites. Western culture,…

  • Widowers – Overlook Again

    Widowers – Overlook Again

    By Herb Knoll, Author: The Widower’s Journey When asked, few people can name even one man who has been widowed. After a few moments of additional thought, many are likely to say, “Oh wait a minute, I do know one.  He lives down the street.” When I presented the same question to a friend of…

  • Surreal Grief

    Surreal Grief

    Ever feel fuzzy, out of focus, or even surreal? Remember in The Matrix movie when a glitch in the program would cause fragmentation of the image, or when Neo first entered the Matrix and could not determine what was real and what was a computer program. Well, during my early deep grieving, those type of…

  • Why Widowed Men Are Different from Widows

    Why Widowed Men Are Different from Widows

    We widowed men have much in common with widows, our sisters in grief. Like widows, we have lost our spouses, the loves of our lives. They have had experiences of loss like ours: shock, disorientation, grief, and loneliness. We have much in common with female widows, and we can be more empathetic now. But our…

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