Category: Financial/Estate Planning

  • Life Insurance for Widowers

    Life Insurance for Widowers

    by Richard Dri When the reality of life insurance sinks in. GRIEF. GUILT. THE UNEXPECTED EMOTIONAL GUT PUNCH OF A LIFE INSURANCE CHECK. You and your spouse both knew that life insurance made perfect sense. Now as a widower, why do you feel so guilty? I don’t think there’s a person reading this who doesn’t…

  • Tips for People Dating Widows and Widowers

    Tips for People Dating Widows and Widowers

    My five Personal Pointers for dating someone who lost their spouse. In previous articles, I have explained my belief that love is an infinite resource and has the ability to multiply again and again. For example, when a widow/widower is ready, they will expand their ability to love, and without guilt, they will be able…

  • What Does A Widow(er) Do With The Wedding Rings

    What Does A Widow(er) Do With The Wedding Rings

    by Richard Dri A RING IS A SYMBOL OF “TILL DEATH DO US PART”. HOW DOES A SURVIVING SPOUSE PROPERLY HONOUR THE RINGS THAT ACCOMPANIED THAT VOW?  When Mary died, I tucked her wedding and engagement rings into the safe. I’m still not sure what to do with them – or my own rings. My…

  • Selling Your House

    Selling Your House

    by Dr. Nyle Kardatzke, PhD If you have had the good fortune of owning a home and enjoying it with your wife and children, you have had a great blessing. If you own a home, as I do, you will likely reach a point where you will question whether you should continue living there. I…

  • Now that I’m a widower, should I treat my three kids equally in my will?

    Now that I’m a widower, should I treat my three kids equally in my will?

    by Richard Dri After Mary died, I began rethinking our mutual agreement to treat each child equally. As a widower, I must have the confidence to make my own decisions even if it means contradicting my late spouse’s positions. When Mary and I drafted our Wills, we agreed to leave everything to the surviving spouse…

  • “Retiring To” vs “Retiring From”

    “Retiring To” vs “Retiring From”

    by Richard Dri IMAGINE 25-30 YEARS AHEAD TO DO EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT, WHEN YOU WANT. ARE YOU READY FOR THAT?  Don’t confuse retirement with vacation. It’s important you create a plan that’s fulfilling for the long-term, and about more than just having the money. I recently turned 60. Five years away from retirement, if…

  • Grief. Guilt. The Unexpected Emotional Gut Punch Of A Life Insurance Cheque

    Grief. Guilt. The Unexpected Emotional Gut Punch Of A Life Insurance Cheque

    by Richard Dri When the reality of life insurance sinks in. You and your spouse both knew that life insurance made perfect sense. Now as a widow or widower, why do you feel so guilty? I don’t think there’s a person reading this who doesn’t understand that life insurance is one of the most practical…

  • Your Adult Children

    Your Adult Children

    “And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers.” Malachi 4:6 Your adult children have suffered a significant loss too. You probably have done what you could to comfort them and give them wisdom about life without their mother. However, the fact remains that they…

  • 35 Money Matters

    35 Money Matters

    By Dr. Nyle Kardatzke “Wisdom is a shelter as money is a shelter, but the advantage of knowledge is this: Wisdom preserves those who have it.” Ecclesiastes 7:12 (NIV) The Teacher in Ecclesiastes advises us that “money is a shelter,” but he indirectly cautions that money in itself doesn’t preserve us as wisdom does. Money…

  • Financial Landmines

    Financial Landmines

    My father died when he was 33 years of age, so I realized the importance of getting my finances in order while still young. I bought life insurance, started an IRA investment account, wrote a will, and made sure that my wife was the primary beneficiary. During one period (2008 – 2012), I was sure…

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