Category: Grief

  • Finding Help for Your Grief

    Finding Help for Your Grief

    Losing your wife is so all-encompassing that it may not be comparable to any other loss except possibly the death of a child. The complete intertwining of your life with your wife in marriage makes her death distinctly life-shattering and life-changing. For this reason, many men find they need both informal and formal help in…

  • Losing My And

    Losing My And

    WSN: Guest Golumn by Terry Rempel The other Sunday at church, a friend gave me an envelope with their Christmas picture card and synopsis of this past year for their family. She told me, tearfully, how hard it was to just write my name on the envelope, instead of Terry & Lorna, it was just…

  • Grief Loss and the Upcoming Holiday Season, Strategies for Getting Your ARMS Around It Early

    Grief Loss and the Upcoming Holiday Season, Strategies for Getting Your ARMS Around It Early

    WSN-MO: A Few Minutes with Terrell Whitener For my offering this week, I have chosen an article out of my archives to share with the brotherhood. I hope you enjoy and, most importantly, consider integrating this into your approach to the season ahead. Before you know it, the holiday season will be upon us. For…

  • Simple Grief

    Simple Grief

    Want to help someone in grief? Put these 10 things into practice and I guarantee that you will be a comfort and blessing in supporting anyone who is grieving. 1. Be present, now and in the future 2. Let them know you are there to hurt with them 3. Don’t try to “fix” the griever…

  • A Widow’s Perspective: Grief Talk

    A Widow’s Perspective: Grief Talk

    The Phantom Spouse-myth or reality? It has been said, “Losing a spouse is like losing a limb.”; let’s explore the validity of this statement. Drawing from my personal experience, the similarities are uncanny. Both situations leave you without something or someone vital to your survival; that is unequivocal. After an amputation, an amputee continues to…

  • Forgiveness – what role does it play in my grief journey?

    Forgiveness – what role does it play in my grief journey?

    Guilt and anger are recognized characteristics of the grief journey – Guilt over what could have been done or should have been done; guilt over things left unsaid or things that were better left unsaid; guilt over those fleeting moments where a smile might form around the corners of your mouth; guilt for some unknown…

  • How is grief measured?

    How is grief measured?

    I believe that our society places measures on things that need to make sense.  When it comes to grief, there are no measures that can accurately represent the depth of sorrow a person feels or the path of grief that will be taken. Grief cannot be measured by any known, assumed, discovered, learned, or defined…

  • Widower: Surreal Grief

    Widower: Surreal Grief

    Ever feel fuzzy, out of focus, or even surreal? Remember in The Matrix movie when a glitch in the program would cause fragmentation of the image, or when Neo first entered the Matrix and could not determine what was real and what was a computer program. Well, during my early deep grieving, those type of…

  • Own your own grief

    Own your own grief

    I’ve known grief for some time now. The unexpected and certainly unwanted passing of far too many of my loved ones has indeed left its ugly mark. But none of my traumatic losses were the same. Nor were they the same as yours, were they? Yet, it can be human nature to fall prey to…

  • Widower: Reaching Grace Through Grief

    Widower: Reaching Grace Through Grief

    Widower to Widower with Fred Colby  When you find yourself in the deepest pit of grief, when you are hurting as you have never hurt before, and when you feel that you will never be able to feel good again… that is when you can find grace, in this… the most unexpected place. It can…

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