Category: Mental/Emotional Health

  • Let’s keep rowing!

    Let’s keep rowing!

    Many times during our journey with Joyce’s cancer, I asked the question, “how did we get here.” How did our lives flip upside down so quickly? How would our lives look after we got through her illness? Then the questions changed from “we” to “I.”  What real changes do I need to get ready for…

  • Settling into Singleness

    Settling into Singleness

    When not having the privilege of submitting articles to this outstanding group of men, I enjoy reading the exceptional content provided by other writers as well as reading your questions and thoughts. One of the common issues that seem to foster many conversations is dating and new relationships as a widower. Last week I experienced…

  • Life, Love and Moving Forward

    Life, Love and Moving Forward

    February 28th will mark the fourth anniversary of the passing of my wife, Robyn. In so many ways it seems like much longer than four years. I wanted to take a few moments to reflect on a few of the things that I have learned during this period. I have often referred to this time…

  • We Are Worthy!!

    We Are Worthy!!

    WSN-MO: Widower to Widower with Fred Colby Whether quoting from Wayne’s World or the Bible, the phrase “I am not worthy” may describe how we feel at times after our wives pass away.  A ritual of self-condemnation and feelings of inadequacy often overwhelm us at this time. It is so easy to fall into a…

  • Winning (even when you don’t know it)

    Winning (even when you don’t know it)

    Good morning brothers! I’ve been in Naples for three weeks. My last writing to the group was two weeks ago. The first week here was one of the hardest that I’ve experienced since Joyce died. The loneliness was brutal. I had myself convinced I should return to Indiana. I looked for new things to do…

  • Forgiveness – what role does it play in my grief journey?

    Forgiveness – what role does it play in my grief journey?

    Guilt and anger are recognized characteristics of the grief journey – Guilt over what could have been done or should have been done; guilt over things left unsaid or things that were better left unsaid; guilt over those fleeting moments where a smile might form around the corners of your mouth; guilt for some unknown…

  • Fear


    I was surprised to find myself fearing some things that I hadn’t feared before, or hadn’t feared as much before she died. When I knew I would be alone in the house for the first time after her death, I was afraid of what my emotional reaction might be. I asked my son and his…

  • Widower: Maybe I Don’t Want to Heal!!

    Widower: Maybe I Don’t Want to Heal!!

    Are you floating in a sea of grief with only a life vest of memories and past love keeping you afloat? If you are not careful, that life vest can instead become a weight belt of anger, regret, and fear that drags you down into depression. Grief during the early stages can be both physically…

  • Storytelling Yourself to Healing

    Storytelling Yourself to Healing

    WSN-MO: Widower to Widower with Fred Colby Grief can be like cancer, festering in your body and soul until it corrupts and destroys all that is good in you. If grief is left alone or ignored while it mutates into something that threatens your very existence, it can: send you to the hospital with very…

  • Widower: Escaping Anxiety

    Widower: Escaping Anxiety

    When my wife passed 4 years ago, I first experienced shock and then numbness, after that anger and depression, and after that resignation and doubts about my future without her. It wasn’t until around my sixth month of grieving that I began to experience something unfamiliar to me since my 20’s and 30’s, anxiety… and…

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