Category: Manful Emotions



    Almost every widower I have met, emailed, or spoken to has said this to me at some point. I certainly felt that way after my wife passed in 2015. We both had some health challenges during our lifetime. Still, mine were the more serious and recent ones, so it was a big surprise for both…

  • Past, Present, and Future

    Past, Present, and Future

         First, let me preface this and say I probably have no original thoughts about being a widower.  I only have my experiences and what I have learned by reading books, watching videos, and speaking to people on the Widower’s Support Network.  I am positive that many of us have felt these very same feelings.…

  • When Widows or Widowers Feel Like They Are Cheating – What Do You Do?

    When Widows or Widowers Feel Like They Are Cheating – What Do You Do?

    When your new widow girlfriend feels like she is cheating on her deceased husband, what do you do? Or maybe you are the one feeling like you are cheating on your dead wife. Are these feelings normal? How do you deal with this without blowing up your new relationship? Before entering a new serious relationship,…

  • Playing Not To Lose

    by David W. Welday March Madness is here!  Whether or not you follow college basketball, it’s hard not to be aware that the NCAA college basketball tournament (affectionately known as “March Madness”) is happening.    In our family we all fill out a bracket…some of us take it seriously while others fill out their bracket…

  • What is the biggest regret you had after your spouse died? – And how are you using it to help yourself heal?

    What is the biggest regret you had after your spouse died? – And how are you using it to help yourself heal?

    The title of my article is based on a question recently posed by our Founder, Herb Knoll, to a group of widowers.  It is both a challenging and painful question to answer, but it can also be a helpful tool in healing.  I don’t propose any clear-cut way to answer the question; it’s purely subjective,…

  • WHO AM I?

    WHO AM I?

    One of the unexpected adjustments I experienced following my wife’s death was to answer the question, “Who am I now that I’m not her husband?”  I did not realize just how much of my identity was wrapped up in being her husband. As time passed, I realized it was not uncommon to adjust when someone…

  • 7 Steps Before, During, and After Death

    7 Steps Before, During, and After Death

    By Fred Colby You had a romantic wedding, celebrated the birth of children, and got comfortable with your happily-ever-after life. Then tragedy struck, and you realized how fragile the human body could be. Suddenly, you faced the prospect of seeing the source of your happily-ever-after life take her last breath. When a terminal illness shapes…

  • Taking Stock in 2023

    Taking Stock in 2023

    January 25th marked the seventeenth month since my wife of 51 years transitioned to the Other Side.  I recently reviewed what I have gone through during that time—what has worked for me and what has not.  I should say at the outset that I am in a much better place than I was a year…

  • Life Is Best When Lived In Pencil

    Life Is Best When Lived In Pencil

    Life is best when lived in pencil. Life is best when we accept and adapt to ournew realities. Life is best when we embrace the fact that our lives are not over. Aportion and chapter of our lives has ended, however, there is more to go. Life isbest when we realize we can be restored…

  • Can Being Widowed Make You A Better Person? 

    Can Being Widowed Make You A Better Person? 

    WHEN MARY DIED, I LOST MY SOULMATE AND THE LOVE OF MY LIFE. BUT I DISCOVERED SOMEONE NEW – MYSELF. The mere thought that being a widow or widower can have positive aspects feels taboo – something we don’t talk about. I’m about to say what might sound like the most terrible thing a widow…

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