Category: Manful Emotions

  • The View from the Other Side of the Mirror

    The View from the Other Side of the Mirror

    First, Happy New Year, Brothers. Many of you have just experienced the first holiday season without your loved one; for others, welcome to January. For many, the start of the new year serves as a time to set new goals or make new resolutions. I have taken this time to take a clear look at…

  • Pathfinder


    To a man, we are stepping into Christmas with much trepidation or resignation.  Without our wives, it is, for some, a terrible time and, for others, at best, a melancholy time.  For me, this year will be melancholy.  But I told my grief therapist today (whom I still see twice a month) that there is…

  • Winter Rain

    Winter Rain

    It’s December in St. Louis, Missouri.  Winter has arrived.  With the winter comes days of winter rain.  In years past, my wife and I actually enjoyed days like today (when we did not have to get outside).  I’d light a fire. We’d make some tea or coffee, and just be together. Many people find days…

  • Courage at the Crossroads

    Courage at the Crossroads

    My dear brothers, recently, I found myself experiencing another visit to an all too familiar place, “the crossroads.” First, let me give you a little background about how I choose to navigate life. I strongly believe in the practice of dividing my life into three distinct silos, my personal life, my spiritual life, and my…

  • Autumn Leaves

    Autumn Leaves

    In some of my previous articles, I mentioned how  I was a member of some cover bands during my teenage years.  It was the sixties.  Growing up in Nashville, the influence of country music surrounded me, yet it did not interest me.  I was a big Beach Boys and Beatles fan (among others).  Yet, to…

  • I don’t know what to say; Is there a way I can help?

    I don’t know what to say; Is there a way I can help?

    I have several friends I often speak with, and I must preface that they have been highly supportive since my wife died over two years ago.  I appreciate the meals, the invitations to parties, and the opportunities to socialize with them, but there is this feeling of discomfort every time we get together.  There is…

  • Selling Your House

    Selling Your House

    by Dr. Nyle Kardatzke, PhD If you have had the good fortune of owning a home and enjoying it with your wife and children, you have had a great blessing. If you own a home, as I do, you will likely reach a point where you will question whether you should continue living there. I…

  • The Fourth Turn

    The Fourth Turn

    By Michael K. Burroughs I had just turned 71 when my dear wife, Jan, passed away.  We were four months shy of our 52nd Anniversary.  Her doctors never expected her to make it to our 50th, following her third stroke that made her an invalid.  They expected another stroke at any time, as she had…

  • The Stupid Things They Say

    The Stupid Things They Say

    by Dr. David Knapp PhD One big question concerning loss we all encounter regularly is “What do yo say to a friend or loved one when they experience severe loss?”      I learned from personal experience that few would-be comforters are comfortable with helpful statements like “Your heart must be hurting right now.” Many have…

  • So Tied To You

    So Tied To You

    My late wife, Jan, loved music.  Her tastes in music varied widely.  We began dating in 1969, on the tail end of the fabulous 60s era of music.  Our first decade of marriage was the 70s.  The best songs of that era stayed with us throughout her life, as they reminded us of happy times…

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