Category: Moving Forward

  • Widower: It Will Never Be the Same Again!

    Widower: It Will Never Be the Same Again!

    One of the hardest intellectual and emotional tipping points to achieve in a widower’s healing grief journey is when you turn your thought away from the past toward the future.  Five years ago, I began my grief journey. For several months I was buried in stomach wrenching physical and mental pain which included my constantly…

  • “A rose by any other name”

    “A rose by any other name”

    Joyce was always my biggest cheerleader. Many years ago, she encouraged me to become a Master Gardener. The process was a great experience and I learned a lot. Joyce loved our garden. She was proud of my work, and I delighted in creating a beautiful space for us. In the past several weeks, I’ve spent…

  • WSN: A Widowers Perspective

    WSN: A Widowers Perspective

    Romans 8:28: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose.  What could possibly be ‘good’ about experiencing any one of the 3 Ds?  One comment I heard most as a new widow was, “Something good will come out…

  • Let’s keep rowing!

    Let’s keep rowing!

    Many times during our journey with Joyce’s cancer, I asked the question, “how did we get here.” How did our lives flip upside down so quickly? How would our lives look after we got through her illness? Then the questions changed from “we” to “I.”  What real changes do I need to get ready for…

  • You’re the Boss Now?

    You’re the Boss Now?

    WSN-MO: Widower to Widower with Fred Colby Remember when you were young, married, and full of misperceptions about your life and marriage? Previously, in our more male-dominated society, you might have believed that as the husband, you were the “boss” in the family! Ha! Many of us eventually found what a joke that belief was!…

  • Growing through it

    Growing through it

    Good morning brothers! Our nation continues working hard to get through the Coronavirus pandemic. I’m proud of all the front liners serving us all so well. If anyone reading this is a front-line worker, you have my heartfelt appreciation. I also hear people talk about how much they want their old life back. I hear…

  • Where Can I Get Help?

    Where Can I Get Help?

    WSN-MO: Widower to Widower with Fred Colby If you are a widower looking for help, ideas, or support, this blog is for you! While there are very few good books out there specifically for widowers, there are several organizations around the country that can provide help or direct you to the help that you need. …



    In this season of uncertainty, fear lurks around every corner; it governs every decision; it steals our joy! Ask anyone who deals with the devastation of death, disease, or divorce. Tentative living is not what we are called to do; Yet, FEAR is REAL. Where then should we turn for hope? To the one true…

  • And suddenly… It’s spring!

    And suddenly… It’s spring!

    As I write this, I’m getting ready to leave Naples and head back to Carmel, Indiana. I’ve been here about 10 weeks. It’s been extremely healing and renewing. When I got here the first week of January all the flowers were blooming. I didn’t see them. The sun was shining everywhere, except on me. As…

  • WSN-MO: Hump Day Healing (TM)

    WSN-MO: Hump Day Healing (TM)

    I received this card in the mail yesterday. Like so many of our youth, I was tracked into a career path that was based on my parents’ socioeconomic standing, what my guidance counselors thought I’d be good at, and the current educational trend that seemed to align with those, Mathematics and Computer Science. It is…

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