Category: Uncategorized

  • No Such Thing As Closure

    No Such Thing As Closure

    There is closure on real estate deals, businesses deals, etc. but there is no such thing as closure on a relationship. Closure means the end of a deal. It’s done, over, completed. All conditions have been met. No more expectations that need to be fulfilled. Closure relates to deals, not life, not relationships. As far…

  • Death, Disease , Divorce

    Death, Disease , Divorce

    #death #Disease #Divorce – they leave us with painful memories of traumatic moments. Yet, we must find a way to grab life by the horns and keep living, not merely existing but truly living. Words to live by: Remember…. But do not forget to keep moving forward. Or as my husband will say, “It is…

  • Don’t Expect Others to Know What to Do Following Your Loss

    Don’t Expect Others to Know What to Do Following Your Loss

    Following the passing of a wife or life-partner, it is the widower who needs support, not the deceased. So why is it that so many widowed men complain about their sense of abandonment by their families, friends, neighbors, and co-workers following their loss? Behaviors and interactions with those who you would hope would be of…

  • Growth and Gain

    Growth and Gain

    “From Grieving to Greatness” is what I am calling it. I look in the mirror, and I am not the same man I was two and a half years ago. I have evolved. Please do not get me wrong; I am most definitely still grieving Suzanne and always will. Over these last two and a…

  • A Message for a Widower’s Friends and Family

    A Message for a Widower’s Friends and Family

    A kind word can save a widower. Amazing, but true! When a widower is buried in grief, just one kind word from someone can make their grief bearable and make their chances of surviving their grief intact more likely. More than once, a friend called me at just the right time and offered kind words…

  • Can you see and be the Lights?

    Can you see and be the Lights?

    On January 20th, 2021 a precocious 22-year-old African -American woman told a divided and grief-stricken nation “We can grow as we Grieve”. I like most people was awe-struck by her profound wisdom that far exceeds her youth. My purpose in writing is to examine her poem as she speaks to us about grief and sheds…

  • #466: What It’s Like to Become a Widower | The Art of Manliness

    #466: What It’s Like to Become a Widower | The Art of Manliness

    What’s it like for a man to lose the person at the very center of his life — his wife? Maybe you know firsthand, because you’ve lost a spouse yourself. Or maybe you know a friend or family member who’s a widower, and have wondered what he’s going through and how to help him. Or…



    This is the famous quote from John Lennon. As I sat down to write this, that quote came to mind because I never expected things to go the way they’ve gone. Yes, we all hated the pandemic that seems to have no end, the uncertainty of the virus’s danger, the inability to be with family…

  • Glitter


    We all have memories. Sometimes we want to bring these memories to the forefront of our thoughts, and other times they are best suited tucked away in the back of our minds. Some of these memories are fond and happy, but honestly, some of these memories are sad or scary. I will be the first…

  • Brothers: We Still Have a Purpose

    Brothers: We Still Have a Purpose

    For many of you, this title strikes you as a bit rhetorical. For others, you may take one look and discount this notion entirely. My brothers welcome to one of the many complex aspects of being a widower. Early in my widowhood, I found myself completely unprepared to deal with the difficulty I had with…

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